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Beginners - CDBKA Chesterfield Beekeepers

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Chesterfield & District Bee Keeping Association

New Beekeeper’s Course 2025
The arrangements for this year’s New Bee Keepers Course details are as follows:
Please note, this course has been designed for people who as yet do not have bees.
The core of the course will be given on three consecutive Saturdays namely 26/04/25, 03/05/25 and 10/05/25 and attendance at all three sessions is essential.
The mornings will be spent at the Arkwright Centre (S44 5BS) looking at each element of beekeeping in turn, with each session building upon the previous one.
The afternoons (weather permitting) will be spent in the association apiary at Ashfield Road Allotments (S41 0AZ) working in small groups to put into practice some of the theoretical learning. If the weather is adverse other sessions may be arranged to complete this element of the course
Beekeeping is essentially a practical skill and we attach as much importance to the practical sessions as the classroom so we aim to provide six hours or more time in the association apiary.
We have designed the course to give you the knowledge you need to start keeping bees safely and will cover such topics as:
·        Different hive types and some advice on what to start with
·        The essential equipment you will need in your first year
·        Bee stings and Anaphylaxis
·        How to make up brood and super frames, essential parts of the hive.
·        The natural history and behaviour of the honey bee
·        Swarming and swarm control
·        The bee keeping year and the importance of record keeping
·        Locating your hives
·        Bee pests and diseases – how to spot them and what to do about it.
·        Apiary hygiene
Tea and biscuits are provided but please bring your own packed lunch.
To register for the course, please complete the application form and return by email to DAVE - HERE
The relevant fees are
·        £120 for an individual
·        £200 for an individual and domestic partner, attending together and
·        £  80 for a junior.
These costs include
·        Membership of both the BBKA and CDBKA for the remainder of 2025
·        Bee disease insurance for the remainder of 2025
·        Textbook (the BBKA guide to Beekeeping)
·        Course fee
Please note that we insist on membership of both organisations (BBKA and CDBKA) as this ensures that appropriate insurance cover is in place both for the course and any subsequent activities during 2025. We will ask you to complete the membership form(s) on the first day of the course.
The textbook is essential for the course but a further reduction is available if a textbook is shared between partners or an adult and junior. An individual must have their own book.
The course is limited to a maximum of twenty people on a first come first paid basis and for administrative ease we would prefer a bank transfer to
Account Name: Chesterfield & District Bee Keepers Association,
Sort Code: 05-03-68,
Account number: 28950598.
Please use “Beginners” as a reference on your payment. If you are unable to pay by transfer please get in touch.  All payments to be received by 01/04/24.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Andrea Jones & Dave Stanford
Course Co-ordinators

2025 membership above.
  1. How to build frames
  2. How to build Brood /Supers
  3. How to scorch hives
  4. How to Inspect a Hive

                                                             CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH THIS VIDEO

Starting from the bottom can be a challenge for some, however we have all been at this point,
so to offer help and guidance, a direct email has been set up for you to contact us as a beginner so that individual advice can be provided.


A nice, easy video to follow for beginners - HERE

For Help with bees - Liaison assistance click here

Thinking of joining up - Membership forms click here
(downloaded as a word file to your device)

Where to find us at our club nights.
We meet every 2nd Monday in the month, at Whittington Moor Methodist Church at 7.30pm with the exceptions of Bank Holidays.
Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall S41 8NA
Created by ABM Pest Control
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