Beginners - CDBKA Chesterfield Beekeepers

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2024 membership above.
Training Tutorial videos - coming soon
  1. How to build frames
  2. How to build Brood /Supers
  3. How to scorch hives
  4. How to Inspect a Hive

Starting from the bottom can be a challenge for some, however we have all been at this point,
so to offer help and guidance, a direct email has been set up for you to contact us as a beginner so that individual advice can be provided. Ask for Roger.


A nice, easy video to follow for beginners - HERE

For Help with bees - Liaison assistance click here

Thinking of joining up - Membership forms click here
(downloaded as a word file to your device)

Chesterfield & District Bee Keeping Association
New Beekeepers Course 2024

Please note, this course is for people who as yet do not have bees.
Our New Bee Keepers Course details are as follows:
The course will run over the year but there are 4 initial meetings on Saturdays April 13th, 20th and 27th.
The mornings will be spent looking at the principles of beekeeping and the afternoons (weather permitting) will be spent in the association apiary working in small groups to care for our bees.
What will the course cover?  We have designed the course to give you the knowledge you need to start keeping bees safely.  Topics include:
Different hive types and their functions including some advice around the ‘best’ kinds of hives to buy.
• The essential equipment you will need in your first year
• Bee stings and Anaphylaxis
• How to make brood and super frames.  (Includes hands on practice of making frames.)
• The natural history and behaviour of the honey bee
• Swarming and swarm control
• The bee keeping year and the importance of record keeping
• Locating your apiary site
• Bee pests and diseases – how to spot them and what to do about it.
• Apiary hygiene
• Around 6hrs of hands-on time in the association apiary
• Tea and biscuits are provided but bring your own packed lunch.
To register for the course, cut and paste the application form below into an e-mail and send it to
The course will be limited to a maximum of twenty people on a first come first paid basis. The Bank Details  Payee- Chesterfield & District Bee Keepers Association, Sort Code 05-03-68, Account number 28950598. Please attach your name with Beginners Course for reference, if you can’t pay by transfer please get in touch.  All payments to be received by 01/04/24.
The Association, apiary and shop are all run and staffed by volunteers who do not receive any financial rewards for their contributions to this course. This keeps the cost of the course to a minimum and this year that is £105 for the full course (the same cost as 2023).
Full CDBKA Membership £35 Most importantly this provides insurance through the British Bee Keeping Association for you from any third party claim against you for your bees. It allows you to attend meetings and further training.
Expenses for the course for materials £20
Allows for practical sessions such as frame building, PPE and refreshments
A Copy of the reference book “The BBKA Guide to Beekeeping” by Davis and Cullum-Kenyon.   £15 This book is a complete guide to starting as a beekeeper and is produced by the British Bee Keeping Association
Running costs of the apiary £30
At the Hasland site we keep an apiary which can be visited by members for practical sessions on Saturdays 11am to 1pm depending on the weather.  This will be where we provide practical sessions for you on the course and practical equipment e.g. loan of bee suits etc.
Cost of venue £5
Mentoring £0 Volunteer mentors will provide you with individual support and guidance.
If you are already a full member or have the book, then the cost will be reduced accordingly but it is a requirement that you have full membership and a copy of the book to take part on the course.
This year’s course appears to be in great demand, if you wish to take part please send in your booking as soon as possible, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you have any queries, please contact me at this address
Hope to hear from you soon.
Nic Bunting
Education Secretary
Please enrol me in the CDBKA New Beekeepers Course
e-mail address:
Postal address:
Phone number:
Next of kin name and contact number:
Are you already a CDBKA member?
Do you already have a copy of the textbook?
Do you have any learning difficulties, have mobility issues or need special help?
To the best of your knowledge, have you ever developed an allergic reaction to bee stings?


NIC click for email

Where to find us at our club nights.
We meet every 2nd Monday in the month, at Whittington Moor Methodist Church at 7.30pm with the exceptions of Bank Holidays.
Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall S41 8NA
Created by ABM Pest Control
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