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Events - CDBKA Chesterfield Beekeepers

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2025 Microscopy Meetings



Meeting schedule.
Mon. 13th January - at 7.30pm at Whittington Moor Methodist Hall, S41 8NA.
We shall not have a guest speaker, but a Q&A session/Open Forum (led by some of our more experienced members) on such things as “Winter Monitoring”, Treating for Varroa – using Oxalic acid (or it’s equivalent), as well as gauging for winter/spring feeding and preparing for the New Season.

Mon. 10th February - at 7.30pm at Whittington Moor Methodist Hall, S41 8NA. Guest Speaker is Rob Burgin (fellow Assoc. Member) and his talk will be on the method he uses for Queen Rearing.

Mon. 10th March - at 7.30pm at Whittington Moor Methodist Hall, S41 8NA. This meeting will be our 2025 AGM and the election of our Officers/Committee. Papers will be sent out prior to the meeting.

Mon. 14th April - at 7.30pm at Whittington Moor Methodist Hall, S41 8NA. Guest Speaker is Adrian Kennedy (Seasonal Bee Inspector) and his talk will be on Bee Diseases.

Still to be finalised are some meetings (probably in March & April) for those who expressed an interest in taking the BBKA Basic Assessment this year.

Where to find us at our club nights.
We meet every 2nd Monday in the month, at Whittington Moor Methodist Church at 7.30pm with the exceptions of Bank Holidays.
Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall S41 8NA
Created by ABM Pest Control
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