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Training - CDBKA Chesterfield Beekeepers

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BIBBA have put together FREE webinars - CLICK HERE to register

Watch a full "Hive Inspection" on YouTube

Education secretary - available for volunteers...

Training: One of the main reasons people come to our club is to improve their beekeeping. Sometimes it's just to ask for informal advice at club meetings or through an enquiry to a committee member but other times you might like a more structured approach.

Our Beginners' Beekeeping Course runs in April and May each year and offers a chance to learn the basics of beekeeping, as well as seeing bees at work inside the hive.

After two years of beekeeping you can join our Basic Assessment Course which runs over two evenings and two apiary sessions and prepares you to take the BBKA Basic Assessment. This is a great way to develop good practice and learn about bee disease and treatment.
The BBKA also offer 6 theory modules on different aspects of beekeeping and it is hoped to start small study groups for these (if there is a demand) to encourage members to gain more in depth knowledge which they can pass on to others. Its quite daunting to start studying again, but learning together over tea and biscuits makes it much more fun!

Practical training is based in our Association Apiary (LINK TO APIARY)  allows you to see our apiary managers manipulating the association bees.

Basic Assesment :
The BBKA offer 6 modules with exams taken in either March or November. The modules are:

1.                     Honey Bee Management
2.                  Honey Bee Products and Forage
3.                  Honey Bee Pests, Diseases and Poisoning
4.                  Discontinued
5.                  Honey Bee Biology
6.                  Honey Bee Behaviour
7.                  Selection and Breeding of Honey Bees
8.                  Honey Bee Management, Health and History

The modules can be taken in any order, except Module 8 which has to be taken when all the others have been passed. They are not easy and cover each subject in real depth, but, in general, are very helpful to your beekeeping.

Study groups can be  of any size and depend on who is interested in particular modules. Hopefully, we will be setting one up this autumn in members are interested.
                          BASIC ASSESSMENT               BEGINNERS COURSE               COLONY MANAGEMENT

BEES & STINGS                           SWARMS


Where to find us at our club nights.
We meet every 2nd Monday in the month, at Whittington Moor Methodist Church at 7.30pm with the exceptions of Bank Holidays.
Whittington Moor Methodist Church Hall S41 8NA
Created by ABM Pest Control
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